Saturday, December 13, 2014

Classrooom Management During My Observation

Nicholas Andreozzi
Classroom Management
            I performed my observations in an eighth grade science class at Feinstein Middle School of Coventry.  For this class, the instructor decided to have the students answer questions about earthquakes from a released NECAP assessment. This was their second day answering these questions so the students already knew what they were supposed to be doing. However, the instructor reminded them to answer each question to the best of their ability and try to cite things they did in previous classes. Since the students knew this already and had done it the day before, every student in that class knew what was expected of them. This allowed the students to focus on the content of their work, not how to do it, or what the teacher wants to read.
            The school does not have bells, so the students move from class to class based on times that the team outlines as periods. Students enter once the other students leave. They are typically talking but they go straight to their desks. The instructor is at his desk in the front of the room, working on his laptop. A few of the students in his class also work with a resource teacher. Since the students were quietly working throughout this lesson, he was working with the resource teacher to write the upcoming test so that those students would have a fair shot at it.
            Once the students have taken their seats and he quickly checks to see who is not here, he begins the lesson by telling the students to take out their agendas and record an upcoming assignment or assessment. This is a routine for the students, which benefits them because they know what to expect, and the instructor does not have to lose time organizing the class before they start. The students had an outline of their paper due today. He tells them to open their Chromebooks and submit it online to the website on Google Classroom. This took about 5 minutes because some students couldn’t connect, didn’t have enough battery life to open the laptop, or just forgot it was due today. Once this was all sorted out, he proceeded to tell them about the day. The students went about solving their NECAP problems quietly. They were not permitted to work in groups, and it was going to count as a grade. In a later class, they went over it as a class so they could all see what a perfect score answer looks like.
            I did not get to see much in terms of classroom management, but I liked how this teacher uses systems to run his classroom. He starts each class by telling students to record things in their agenda, and then tells them to turn in papers if there are any due. The students have respect for him and that makes them more probable to behave positively. In my future classroom, I will use systems like this to help my class run smoothly. I believe that students need to be able to learn before they can start thinking about learning. Being able to learn doesn’t mean being smart, either. It is more concerned with  what kind of environment are they attempting to learn in. A proper learning environment should be one in which students feel safe to answer and ask questions, understand what is expected of them and how to get an A in the class, and the class should be a community of learners so that each member of the class wants each other to succeed and will actively assist in the success of their classmates.

Lesson Assesment

Name                                                                                                                                                                                    Date

Objective: Student will use seismographs and desks to create seismograms of earthquakes that occur in plates that are parallel and perpendicular to each other.
Bloom’s Level:  Application

Making an Earthquake: Lab Test

1. Draw me a seismogram you made in lab. Tell me how you made it (banging on table perpendicular to surface, parallel to surface).


2. Tell me what a seismograph is and what a seismogram is.

Microteaching II Comments

Friday, November 21, 2014

Lesson Plan for Observation

SED 406:  Observation Assignment #2

In this observation assignment, your goal is to reverse-engineer a lesson plan. Watch the class, and write the lesson plan that teacher is using.

Do this by OBSERVATION, even if the teacher is willing to share their lesson plan with you. This is about improving your observation skills, not getting ‘the answer’.

Lesson Plan Template for SED 406 and 407
part 1 = planning
Teacher Candidate:
Nicholas Andreozzi
Name of Lesson:
What Kind of Earthquake Are You?
Learning Objective(s), including Bloom's taxonomic level: (label A, B, C, *D) *optional
Student will use seismographs and desks to create seismograms of earthquakes that occur in plates that are parallel and perpendicular to each other.

Student Standards (GSE or/GLE or Common Core-in draft for math/science- list which): GSE
ESS 1 The Earth and earth materials as we know them today have developed over long periods of time, through continual change processes.

Teacher Standards (professional society and/or NETS  and RIPTS-list which): RIPTS
3.2 design instruction that meets the current cognitive, social and personal needs of their students

Rationale: Why this lesson? How does it fit into the curriculum and context?
Is this the introduction, conclusion, or somewhere in the middle of the unit of instruction?
I chose this lesson because students will get to see how an earthquake happens and that there are different kinds that occur. This will be a culminating activity to the subunit on earthquakes.
Materials/Resources needed, including technology:
Seismograms, paper for seismographs, sharpie, desk, lab book for protocol
Accommodations and Modifications (special needs and learning styles) For example:  Dr. Kraus has poor vision and needs written material to be at least 12 pt. font.  He also reads two grade levels higher and needs appropriate reading material. 
What content resources support this knowledge base? (list at least 2)
How confident are you in this topic as you start this lesson?
Somewhat. I am nervous about the students being able to follow the protocol as precisely as this lab requires.

(Boxes expand as you type)
Lesson Plan Template
part 2 = action
Bell-ringer: How will you get students seated, and ready for academic work? (without your voice)
Anticipatory Set: How will you introduce the material, interest the students, show relevance of topic?

Phase (change as needed)/Time
Teacher action
Student action
e.g. Intro/5 min.

 Inform students about today’s lab.
Direct them to the page in the lab book that has the protocol.

 Open up your lab books
Make sure students are on the right page.

Presentation or

Walk around the room
Motivate students
Talk with group members to determine how to do the lab

Guided Practice or

Walk around the room
Observe students
Make earthquakes
Record data
Ask questions when needed


Walk around the room
Finish work.


Review and Reflection: How will you review for students who are still having trouble?
Extension: What will you offer to students who have mastered this?
Go ahead in the book with the second part of the lab.
*Closing: How will you review the material, and draw conclusions? (may be listed above)

Lesson Plan Template
pt. 3 = reflection
What went well?  
Students were very energetic and excited to be doing the lab.
Most groups finished

What area of weakness needs addressing?
Students spent a lot of time trying to figure out the lab and proceeded to early. This caused frustration and one group gave up with 15 minutes left in class.

Which objectives were met? What is the evidence?
All because the students completed the lab, except for one group.

Which students did not meet objectives?
The students that did not complete the lab.

Was time managed appropriately?

Did any teacher mannerisms or actions detract from the lesson?
The teacher did not answer questions per the format of an indirect lesson. Student became very upset and frustrated and some gave up.

*What were the strengths and weaknesses of classroom management?
No real problems.
Was the lesson engaging?

*What did I learn from my peer observation (address at least one aspect)  
Students really enjoy labs but they need to be within their zone of proximal development so they don’t get frustrated and give up.
How will this experience influence your professional identity? 
I will give students more time to prepare for labs.

How will it influence how you plan/teach/assess in the future?
Students may need more time to internalize information than I think, so I will give them more time when I see that they need it.